Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is a nature reserve located in the northwest region of Singapore. It holds the distinction of being the first wetlands reserve gazetted in Singapore. Its global significance as a stop-over point for migratory birds is acknowledged by its inclusion in the East Asian Australasian Shorebird Site Network.

This sanctuary for flora and fauna, recognized as an ASEAN Heritage Park, offers a glimpse of untouched wilderness within manicured Singapore. Spanning 500 acres, the reserve comprises mangroves, mudflats, ponds, and forests, hosting a diverse ecosystem including mudskippers, crabs, water snakes, monitor lizards, otters, and occasional crocodiles. It's also a globally acknowledged site for migratory birds, forming part of the East Asian Australasian Shorebird Site Network. Despite its wild nature, the reserve is easily accessible, even for wheelchair users, with flat trails leading through different areas. Visitor and wetland centers at each entrance provide informative guides to navigate the grounds.

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